Install the GALACTIC closure package


py-galactic-closure requires

  • python 3.8, a programming language that comes pre-installed on linux and Mac OS X, and which is easily installed on Windows;

  • poetry, which is a tool for dependency management and packaging in Python.

  • graphviz, which is a graph visualization software.


Install py-galactic-closure using the bash command

$ poetry install --with docs


Build the documentation using the bash commands:

$ poetry run towncrier build --keep
$ poetry run sphinx-build docs/ build/sphinx/html/


Test py-galactic-closure using the bash command:

$ poetry run tox
$ poetry run tox -e style
$ poetry run tox -e linter

Getting Help


If you have any difficulties with py-galactic-closure, please feel welcome to file an issue on gitlab so that we can help.