YAML data reader

galactic-io-data-yaml is a YAML data reader plugin for GALACTIC.

It uses the yaml.safe_load function of the PyYAML library.

The file extension is .yaml or .yml. The individuals are represented either by:

  • a list: individuals are named by an integer starting from 0;

  • a dictionary: individuals are named by their keys.

For example:

0: [c, e, s]
1: [o, s]
2: [e, p]
3: [o, p]
4: [c, e, s]
5: [o, p]
6: [c, e]
7: [o, p]
8: [c, e]
9: [c, o, s]

GALACTIC [1] [2] stands for GAlois LAttices, Concept Theory, Implicational systems and Closures.


Indices and tables