đź‘· Contributors#
The Galactic Organization is an informal group of researchers working in the field of formal concept analysis. Individuals are listed in the historical order of their contribution.
Assistant professor
Nathalie Girard (2008-2013) completed his phD in computer sciences at the L3i.
Nathalie conducted his phD on an automatic image classification system and the development of a hybrid model between decision tree and Galois lattice. She is currently an assistant professor at IRISA, Rennes.
Clément Guérin (2011-2014) completed his phD in computer sciences at the L3i. |
Clément conducted his PhD on comic books knowledge analysis through the years 2011 to 2014. During this time he worked on an efficient implementation of the computation of the immediate successors of lattice concepts. Afterwards, he has been involved in several topics, such as image analysis and recommendation systems. He joined a private company in late 2016 where he is now in charge of the data science infrastructure.
Assistant professor
Jessie Carbonnel (2017) was invited during its phD at the L3i.
Jessie Galasso-Carbonnel got a PhD in computer science from the University of Montpellier, France, where she worked on symbolic machine learning for information system reverse engineering. She is particularly interested in knowledge extraction and representation of complex systems. She is currently working on knowledge engineering related topics at the French Institute of Sustainable Development. She is currently an assistant professor at McGill University, Canada.
Salah Eddine Boukhetta (2018-2022) is a phD student at the L3i under the direction of Karell Bertet.
He has developed the quantile strategy for numerical attributes that can serve as an example for creating new strategies. He is working on sequence attributes and strategies which is the main subject of his phD thesis.
Undergraduate intern
Sébastien Amoury (2019; 2021) was an intern during his third year computer sciences bachelor’s degree in 2019 at the L3i and participated in the code writing during the research teaching of the second year of the computer sciences master’s degree.
He extended the description and basic strategy for the numerical attributes to the 2-dimensional case and added instructions in the various manuals.
He created the galactic-ruler